Monday, May 9, 2011


     Last but not least, this one is the OP of Mahoushojo_Madoka_Magica.

     The singers are Claris who also sing the OP of 俺の妹こんな可愛いわけがない . In fact, コネクト is their second album and they are just junior high school students! I was very surprised when I fisrt heard of this informaiton, beacuse their voices sound mature. If you were just hearing the song without knowing about them, you would not think of that they are so young.

      But what I would talk about is the lyrics of the song, it conveys Madoka's feeling  to Homura. You would not be aware of it at the fisrt place. To tell you the truth, I realized the true meaning of the lyrics after watching the final eposide.  At the end of the eposide, it was playing this song. At that time I was moved by the song; also at that time I started thinking this animation is the best one as well I have ever watched. I will not regret that I stayed up for watching  the work and that browsed thorugh people's comments and view points about it on the Internet every week.

    Thourgh the song, I witnessed the start and the end of the story. That's why I shared the song after ED and BGM.


  1. The singer has great talent in their age!! XD
    Claris is also the singer in “My sister…”(俺妹), and that OP may be the most disgusting OP in that season.
    However, the first time I heard that has more feeling than second time, that is strange, but this time the OP of Madoka is really great! It might be the anima has more meaning than 俺妹 (?

  2. I am also surprised that they are just junior school students, and their voices twist my image. Animation’s songs are not all cute and sweet! I think that the music of animations (or movies) can let us recall the feeling which touched our hearts at that time again and again!!!
