Monday, May 2, 2011


     Like I said before, because of the animation I knew the composer, 梶浦由記, but she was not the only one I knew about through Madoka. Now please click on the play button below and keep on reading my post while you're listening to the song.
This song was also written by梶浦由記. But I the persons who I want to talk about are the singers. They are Kalafiana. You could find that this song sounds mature and consists of different registers. Like in this film, Hikaru was singing the main part, Keiko was taking charge of the lower register, and Wakana was responsible for the higher register.

Not all their songs sound gloomy and dark like this one, but this one somehow appears to people. Maybe like its name; there is some magic power in the song which can attract everyone’s attentions, so … leave off, I forgot to say, this song is the ED of Madoka. When I first heard of the song, it made a drastic impression on me. I don’t know if that’s because I was influenced by the plot of Madoka at that point. Perhaps.

Anyway, I think this song suit to the animation in all respects. And if you please, you can try Kalafina's other songs on Youtube.


  1. it's strange for that I've downloaded the Adobe Player but couldn't be played.
    So it's so sad that I could not know how this music sound.
    But from your description, I think I can realy feel the magic power of this song:)

  2. The dark side of Madoka! XD
    Most people say that Madoka is a dark animation, and the EP that announce on EP.3 is the best proof.
    Magia may be the first song that I have a memory with梶浦由記, and the feel that I heard first time is “despair”. If OP is Homura’s hope and belief, then Magia is all hopeless that Homura had faced.
    I thinks this is a great ED that can set off the hole animation, and singer also do well of it.
