Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A piece of tragic news

Here is the saddest news after I watched the animation:

As you can see (on 3/23), the official of Mahoushoujo has decided to (or been forced to) interrupt the performance of next two episodes on the Internet and TV for a while. No one knows when the animation will re-broadcast.

How torturing it is.

Well, that may not so bad because it gives me a chance to write the post which you are reading.

In fact, that’s the first time I feel so depressed (I am not making this up) because I can’t watch an animation on time, especially on the time when it’s coming to climax.
I thought I have only little feeling so I would not  be moved by any works in literature, movie, music or ACG or so.

But now I realize that I was wrong.

Just this animation reminds me that I am a real human, not a robtot without any emotions.I think this point is one of the reason why I am so immersed in the animation.
Anyway, now the only thing I could do is keep on waiting until the second to last episode and the episode give a profmance on Internet.

I wish it would come true as soon as possible.


  1. If my information is correct, then we don’t have to worried about the possibility of couldn’t watch the 11 ep Ever. There is a news by 虛淵(Nitro+) is that the reason why anima have to stop is just a deadline problem . Moreover, the date that will start broadcast again seems to be 4/15 . So Just wait for it~

  2. Wow, the animation is really a part of your life. It gives you so many feelings. It's pretty good that people can find something that gives them so many emotions. Although I don’t watch animations that much, hope it will soon be rebroadcasted since it’s so important to you. Cheer up!

  3. To lazytree:

    It seems like the expected date of rebroadcasting is late than 虛淵 thought. But it’s never a big deal as long as we can watch the ending of Madoka.

    To Erica:

    Thanks for cheering me up.
    I think people need to find something which can be spiritual food for their spirits. I seldom watch TV, but I choose animations.
