Saturday, April 2, 2011

A derivative aciton game of Mahoshoujo_madoca_magica

I am going to introduce a derivative game about Mahoshoujo_madoka_magica.

Then, why would I like to choose an game made by a unknown person who also like this animation for the entry, rather than talk more about my comments or something like that on the animation?

The reason is right that the producer of the game do love the animation, I think.

Here is the producer's blog:

After clicking the link, look for the first post and choose a link written below ダウンロード. Then you can found the download page of the game, and you will get it by clicking 魔法討伐隊 またぎ☆マギカ Ver.1.0X. (letter X means I don't know the latest version will be, because the producer is keeping updating.)

I know many of you who come here are not interested in animations and that watching an entire animation takes you too much time, so it might be a little difficult for you to respond to my entries if I only write about my comments about the animation.

Therefore, you should just download the game and play it( Be careful. If you have a plan to watch Mahoshoujo, please try the game after watching the latest episode or you will find the game reveals some of the plot of  Mahoshoujo) , then you will know why there would be a viewer of Mahoshoujo who produced the game, because the animation is actually memorable!

You can choose one of four characters to clear stages. The rest of the main character is still on the progress of producing. Choose anyone catches your eye and then know her attributes by manipulating.

One of the most distinctive points of the game is that it is faithful to the animation, so the bosses of the stages are "Majo"(meaning witches in English) appearing in Mahoshoujo. Every Majo itself is an admirable object of art just like they are displayed in the animation.

Last but not least, because the game might be not so easy for you, if you truly want to clear all of the stages, here is a thread of the discussion you can refer to:

Enjoy it!


  1. This game is made of producer’s LOVE, XD.
    It must be the most famous non-profit(同人?) game in the product of Madoka. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough skill to handle the action game like that, so this game I just admire without playing,XD.
    Thank for your sharing!

  2. I got no idea toward animation that it is so considerate of you to recommend a game rather than introduce more detail about animation: )
    I'd like to enjoy it after I get some space time in these days, hope it would not be too difficult for me :P

  3. To lazytree:

    To be frank, even I didn’t really clear all of stages on person. I will take time to play through the game when it’s nearing completion.

    It’s the most interesting Madoka’s non-official (may be this word better?) game I’ve played.

    To Kathy Chang:

    Actually, it might be difficult even for those who often play video games.

    I think that’s because the producer is not practiced in handling keyboard settings to an action game and it makes players hard to control a character.

    I hope it would become better after the producer re-adjust the settings (a game producer needs to do that).
