Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The ending of a story

Since winter vacation, I’ve been watching Mahoushoujo_Madoka_Magica every week. And the animation finally finished four days ago. To tell you the truth, that was the first time I stayed up until 3 a.m. for watching an animation which was ending. I would not forget what I felt at that night, since, no matter what comments people will make on the animation, in my mind it is the best work I have watched in the animation world.

At the end of story, Madoka finally got rid of her weakness and received Homura’s real intention and then, made a hopeful wish to change the rule of the world. That was a miracle, which redeemed all the Mahoushoujo form despair. Madoka dispersed from the world, and became a goddess. Although Homura was left alone, I think they will meet (or have met) again in the future. I hope so.

I seldom thank an author of any books or staff of any games or animations, but this time I think I have to do that, because that is only way I can show my appreciation to them. Thank the staff of Madoka; without you, I couldn’t watch such a masterpiece.   

I would say more, but I can’t express myself very well in English. Here is my comment written right after watching the final episode. I have expressed myself by written that article, completely.



  1. That is a great happy end in this story, I think. Though somebody may be asking why Madoka still couldn’t service at the end, but I think she do the best that every viewer expects to her.
    The most impressiveness sentence that I think is by Mami talked to Madoka. She said “You are not only make your hope come true, but also become ours hope.” That is a wonderful second. XD

  2. I have not seen these animations before; however, from your description, it seems that the animations are worth watching. I will take times to watch them.
    Actually, I like to watch animations, too. Some of the animations do leave rooms for us to think and explore, which give us strength to face the difficulties in our life!=)
