Friday, April 15, 2011

Two-episode finale for Madoka on 4/24

     We don't have to post new articles this week, but there is the only chance for me to post the article, because our Madoka is going to come back next week on 4/24 26:40( It stands for 4/25 02:40 in Japanese time zone. ) with final two episodes at a time.

     It's kind of good luck for me because my mid-term exams will end on 4/24 as well, so I can wait for the end of the story without worrying about exams.

     By the way, when I was thinking about what topic I'd like to talk on this blog, Mahoushoujo_Madoka_Magica came into my mind first.

     At that time, I had considered that what if Madoka is finished, how can I keep my blog without changing the topic? In fact, I've finally decided that I would not change my topic. In other words, I will let the animation stay with me until I finish the appointments of blogging.

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